Do you feel like adventures and walks in the fresh air? Would you like to share your nature activities with your baby? We can understand you: It is unique happiness when your child is amazed by nature’s colors, sounds and smells. To explore the trails while being comfortable for you and your little one, choosing an all-terrain stroller is an obvious choice. To help you choose, we’ve put together this buying guide that explains the most important criteria for choosing your stroller. We have also tested numerous models to present you with a selection of the best all-terrain strollers currently available.

What is the best all terrain stroller?

1. Thule Urban Glide 2: quality and adventure

The Urban Glide by Thule is designed for athletes who want to introduce their children to the joys of hiking, trail running and running.

Thanks to the swiveling front wheel, which you can lock for jogging laps or more stability on rugged terrain, maneuverability in the city has not been neglected. A unique feature of this model is the braking system integrated into the handle. This system is very safe when going downhill, but also in the city.

Thule Urban Glide 2
Thule Urban Glide 2

Immediately noticeable is the geometry of this decidedly all-terrain stroller, which is very slim towards the front and has an aerodynamic shape with a very successful look. The air-filled front and rear wheels are impressive and absorb shocks and vibrations. Moreover, full suspensions provide maximum ride comfort.

Thule Urban Glide have higher weight limit and longer seat, therefore it can accommodate bigger and taller kids, up to 50 lbs or even 75 lbs!

During long trips, you should not neglect your child’s comfort. Thule has paid particular attention to ventilation, especially in the seat and canopy area. They equip the latter with a transparent window, which is rather classic, but still allows a view of your baby whenever you want. The seat is adjustable and generously padded, as is the 5-point harness.

Another plus point of this model is the manufacturer’s extensive accessories. For example, parents can use a stroller attachment from birth. Even better, Thule offers a range of adapters compatible with Maxi Cosi and Chicco infant carriers or even a universal adapter! There is also a whole range of accessories such as bottle holders, rain covers or mosquito nets.

2. Baby Jogger Summit X3: sporty and ergonomic

Like the Thule Urban Glide, the Baby Jogger Summit X3 is a sporty, all-terrain stroller. It has the main features of its competitor but at a lower price. For example, it has huge pneumatic tires with independent shock absorbers that can handle the most challenging terrain. The front wheel, of course, swivels to be maneuverable in the city and can be locked for more sporty use.

Baby Jogger Summit X3
Baby Jogger Summit X3

In terms of safety, this stroller is exemplary. In addition to safety features like the 5-point harness and wheel lock, the Summit X3 is equipped with a hand-operated drum brake and a seat belt. One slight downer is that while there is a safety bar, it is only available as an option (as with the Thule, by the way).

This all-terrain stroller offers excellent comfort. The seat is, of course, burnable, and the stroller has a foldable canopy. The canopy has side vents, and the seat has a rear vent that provides optimal air circulation in hot weather. The canopy also has transparent windows that are always nice to look through and fabric that offers high UV protection.

Baby Jogger offers many accessories for this stroller, such as a rain cover, cup holder, and even a tiny tray with wheels for your child to sit on (that’s more for city use!). Note, however, that you can attach a bassinet, stroller attachment, or seat reducer for use from birth.

In summary, the Summit X3 has convinced us that it is an excellent second choice for an all-terrain stroller that is at once powerful for sporty use, comfortable, practical, and yet versatile!

3. Baby Jogger City Mini GT2: best budget option

The Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 stroller is one example of a stroller: it doesn’t handle sand, but it could easily go over short grass (such as lawns and public parks), dirt roads and gravel trails in parks. Parents suggest getting a jogging stroller with bigger wheels and excellent shock absorption for more profound and looser gravel or sandy beaches.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT2
Baby Jogger City Mini GT2

The three-wheel design makes it quite maneuverable, and it can be easily steered even on surfaces such as cracked sidewalks and uneven pavement. It will not get trapped and does not bounce much, even over bricks and cobbled streets in old Italian cities. Larger stones may be too tricky for it, though.

This stroller will be bumpier when used on rough terrain than a jogging stroller. However, even though it may shake a bit, it won’t feel like it will fall apart or hurt the child sitting inside.

Though the suspension works well on most terrain, it isn’t ideal for hilly trails. The City Mini GT2 has a redesigned suspension system with larger wheels and shock absorbers. Though this stroller has a handbrake, it doesn’t work well when going downhill (primarily because of its smaller wheels).

Baby Jogger City Mini is designed for parents who are not runners. It is an excellent choice for long walks on multiple terrain, including all-terrain paths, streets and sidewalks. 

The stroller has a lightweight frame that carries children up to 65 pounds and includes a leg rest for comfort. The adjustable handlebar height makes this model comfortable for both parents and children who can sit upright or lie flat against the backrest. Although the stroller is pricey and not suited for jogging, it is an excellent choice for active families who enjoy long walks on varying types of terrain.

4. BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0: Best Overall

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 and Flex 3.0 Duallie strollers are single and double strollers with all-terrain capabilities, making them ideal for jogging and urban environments. Flex Duallie is the best all terrain double stroller for accommodating two kids.

They are not suitable for infants younger than eight weeks old, and an adapter for using a car seat is required. Nine handlebar positions make the strollers comfortable for taller or shorter parents.

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0
BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0

This single stroller from BOB supports up to 75 pounds rather than 65 and is suitable for users up to 44 inches tall. Additionally, the stroller features Lunar ultra-reflective fabric for security in low-light conditions.

Its front wheel can handle flat sandy trails, gravel roads and rocky terrain. It may be harder to push on a rocky surface, but it performs amazingly on deep gravel. Dirt roads in the countryside are also no problem for these strollers.

BOB Revolution Flex is a popular stroller among parents because it has many convenient features, such as all-terrain wheels with a suspension system, hand-activated brakes, and height-adjustable handlebars. And it can carry up to 75 lbs / 50 lbs each (duallie). However, it is on the heavy side at almost 28.5 lbs / 33 lbs (duallie) and has no child cup holders or trays.

The Essential guide for Choosing the best all-terrain strollers

Age and scalability

Limits of use

What’s true for car seats is also true for strollers. Your baby will grow, and it’s the job of the equipment to accommodate his growth, not the other way around. So it would help if you decided from what age and up to what age you want to use your all-terrain stroller. Usually, the question of age is equal to a weight limit. Most models have a maximum load capacity of about 45 lbs. It allows you to transport your child up to about four to five years old.

With a newborn, however, the question is more complex. First, a lying position is often much more suitable. Second, the safety systems are not ideal for the very young. Fortunately, there are several solutions available to you in this case.

Solutions for newborns

A simple seat reducer may do the trick if your all-terrain stroller offers a fully extended position. It is a type of soft, enveloping mattress. You can use it to seat newborns in devices that would otherwise be too big for them. Remember to place your baby only in a reclining or semi-reclining position until they are nine months old. It is because the sitting part is unsuitable until your child has the strength to hold this position independently.

However, the ultimate solution is a baby car seat or stroller attachment that is compatible with the frame of your all-terrain stroller. Its support and position are optimal for your child’s comfort, and the fixed shell provides added security. You can even go so far as to choose a car seat that is also compatible. This way, you can switch from the car to the stroller in a flash and not risk waking your baby!

It would be best if you preferred the bassinet over the stroller attachment from 0 to 6 months and for more extended periods. The reclining position of the stroller attachment is more comfortable and better for your baby’s back.

Cart Seat Stroller Combo
Cart Seat Stroller Combo

Three wheels or four wheels?

For us, the answer is clear. Paren can use only a stroller with three wheels comfortably and safely off-road. Four-wheeled strollers offer more stability in the city because of the relatively flat terrain. On uneven paths, however, they quickly become uncontrollable. You will constantly find yourself with one wheel in the air, and the stroller tends to tip from right to left over rocks and roots.

On the other hand, Tricycle strollers form a triangular ground surface regardless of the terrain. Your child’s centre of gravity is in the middle, preventing tipping. The larger this support triangle is, the more stable but also bulkier your stroller will be. Usually, the front wheel is far from the child, which has several advantages:

  • Less jerking (we’ll come back to this later).
  • Stability.
  • Easy lifting of the front wheel when needed.

We should note that some manufacturers offer models with four wheels but with the front wheels positioned side by side. Thus, the base support is triangular in total. It allows such a stroller to be used off-road. Nevertheless, the benefit is not apparent, and we consider these strollers instead designed for the city, with a bit of a touch of adventurism.

Diameter and type of wheels

The diameter of the wheels plays a significant role in the comfort of the stroller. In general, we recommend that you prefer wheels with a large diameter. These wheels make it easier to absorb bumps in the terrain. It means you’re less likely to trip over small obstacles and generate fewer vibrations while riding. However, smaller wheels may be more suitable if you don’t plan on riding on overly uneven trails. They will be more maneuverable, lighter, and take up less space.

The wheels on an all-terrain stroller are similar to the small wheels on a mountain bike. Some also include an inner tube that you can inflate with a standard bicycle pump, allowing you to replace worn tires. On others, the tire is filled with a firm, elastic foam. This foam reproduces the effect of compressed air but without unintentional deflation or puncture risk. In our opinion, choosing one type of wheel is secondary and essentially a matter of personal preference. However, if you want your stroller to be used for many years to bring joy to family and friends, you should prefer a model with air chambers.

Front-wheel: Swivel or fixed?

Or why not both? It’s a tough choice since you’ll need both configurations in everyday use. For this reason, with a few exceptions that we will discuss later, we recommend that you choose a model with a movable front wheel and a locking device for the fixed position. All models in our selection go in this direction.

Front-wheel (best all terrain stroller)
Front Wheel

But when is it better to fix or release the front wheel? Quite simply, riding with a fixed front wheel is much more comfortable at high speeds, on straight stretches or on very uneven terrain. The movable front wheel is your best ally if you want a minimum of maneuverability in curves. Experienced and exclusive joggers can therefore settle for a completely fixed front wheel. Explorers of the urban jungle, on the other hand, will maintain a moving front wheel.

Suspension: gimmick or indispensable?

The absorption of shocks and vibrations is a complex issue crucial to your baby’s comfort. The goal is to reduce the shocks felt by the child, which can be done on several levels:

  • The wheels: we have already mentioned that a large diameter of the wheels will significantly reduce the vibrations caused by rolling. With pneumatic tires, the proper air pressure also acts as a small damping spring.
  • The seat: depending on your child’s age and regardless of the stroller model, your child will sit in a firm, padded seat or a kind of hammock for the older children. In both cases, these elements are designed to deform. So they can help absorb shocks.
  • Suspension: this device is more common in mid-range and high-end models. However, they can also be found on more affordable models. Together with the wheels and the seat, they help absorb shocks.

So, as you can imagine, cushioning shocks is a team effort. You can do without suspension if your all-terrain stroller has huge wheels and a soft seat. However, we recommend you choose a model with such a suspension. It is essential to know that not all shocks are the same for the child. A mild concussion does not necessarily have to be uncomfortable. Shocks, on the other hand, such as a minor fall when going down a curb, always are. And that’s where the shock absorber comes in! Our selection will offer comfortable models that can handle even the smallest budget!

Stroller Suspension System
Suspension System

Braking and blocking

Although it may surprise you, the braking systems found in some high-end strollers are not safety features. Instead, they are a convenience feature for you, as they prevent you from having to pull on the stroller to slow it down. On level terrain, admittedly, the benefit isn’t exactly obvious. However, if you’re going downhill and can brake the stroller instead of holding it, it can be very convenient and keep you from slipping. You may also appreciate being able to stop the stroller quickly and easily in the city due to traffic.

If you are going down a steep or slippery slope, you can quietly position yourself underneath the stroller and reverse. Also, always use a safety strap in case the stroller slips out of your hand.

The type of brake itself doesn’t matter. There are simple and effective drum brakes. Or better yet, disc brakes, which are more biting and offer a delightfully sporty look.

In contrast, your all-terrain stroller should have a system for locking the wheels. These devices are sometimes referred to as hand brakes. Ironically, they are usually locked and unlocked with your foot. Remember to engage them every time you let go of the stroller. It’s better if it doesn’t go on without you!

Safety systems

When people talk about safety, they naturally think of the belt of the same name. All strollers have such a belt in one form or another. It ensures that the child cannot fall out of the stroller, especially in the event of a collision or if the stroller should tip over. The 5-point harness is an absolute must because it holds your baby’s shoulders and pelvis while allowing him to move his head, arms and legs. If race car drivers have been using it for decades, you have every right to demand it!

As with race cars, we highly recommend that your stroller has a roll bar placed in front of your seated child. It is because these bars protect if the stroller tips over. Most of the time, they are removable so that older children can get in and out of the stroller independently. Bonus: Some manufacturers offer accessories like trays and cup holders that can be attached to these brackets.

Finally, we can only recommend that you safeguard against the risk of unintentionally letting go of your stroller, especially when going downhill, mainly off-road. If your stroller doesn’t have one as standard, you can get a universal safety harness or hand strap for very little money.

Comfort of the stroller

Modern all-terrain strollers are not stingy with tricks to make the walks more and more pleasant for the little ones. The latest models have a removable canopy or sunshade to protect your baby from the sun. Some also have removable vents that provide better ventilation in hot weather. They may also have a see-through window that allows you to watch your child from the back of the stroller.

Most strollers also have an adjustable seat where you can lay your child down for a little nap. Usually, the footrest is also adaptable to accommodate your baby’s growth. Even better, some models allow you to position the seat in the direction of travel or against it. The latter position is popular with little ones, who are reassured when they can always see you.

best all terrain stroller
Make baby feel comfortable in the stroller

Weight and space requirements

Let’s put it bluntly: all-terrain strollers are much heavier and bulkier than small stick strollers for the city. That’s their most significant disadvantage. They are not meant to be folded and lifted as often as city strollers. However, some models still show a remarkable knack for contortions!

If you want to transport your stroller in the car, make sure the model of your choice will fit in the trunk. Having a small city car with a small trunk may be challenging. Also, remember that some parts of your stroller come with a quick-release system to make it more compact. These mainly include the wheels, the safety bar and the handle.

A small cane stroller to complement your all-terrain three-wheeled stroller will come in handy in many situations. Check out our buying guide and comparison!

The question of weight is relatively easy to answer: a lighter model will be more comfortable in everyday life and on ascending or descending paths. Nevertheless, be careful not to chase unnecessary grams at the expense of comfort features! There’s no point in buying a lightweight stroller that you won’t use because it’s too uncomfortable for you and your child.


Selecting the best all terrain strollers can be a difficult task given the number of different strollers that are available in the market at present. However, you can choose from a variety of wonderful options featured on this page. These select all terrain strollers have been discussed in detail to give parents an honest insight into these products so they can make an informed choice when they are considering purchasing one of these products. You can also read our comprehensive buying guide, which has been created to provide you with valuable information and advice that will help you to find the very best stroller for your child and family.

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